Call Us: (415) 485-1011 (707) 794-6100 Visit us: 32 Pamaron Way, Suite B Novato, CA 94949

Downing Heating Inc
HVAC, Air conditioning, and Heating
Carrier Trusted Dealer
Servicing All Brands
There are many variables in the HVAC industry that can affect the price of a project, If you received an estimate within a few clicks, something could be wrong. ​
Automated systems are not able to accurately chose a piece of equipment for a space.
The pricing may be inflated to cover unforeseen conditions that may or may not be present.
There is no site visit to determine conditions of space or efficiency need, etc.

Beware of Automated Quotes
Upgrade your equipment &
get rebates!
(Marin County)
Get Rebates by Plugging into Electrify Marin
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by swapping out gas and propane equipment

Sonoma Marin Local 104 Shop
Building Stronger Communities Together
Downing Heating, Inc. is a proud Union Shop with Smart Local No. 104. Local Union No. 104 spans 49 California counties from the Oregon border to Ventura County. Worker memberships are made up of over 9,000 highly skilled craftspeople that are trained to perform a wide selection of skills such as the production, fabrication, installation, detailing, and testing and balancing of sheet metal products and HVAC.
When unions thrive, local communities do too. SMW Local Union 104 supports work opportunities in the areas that our members and their families live in. Building construction projects that have skilled and trained workers, area standard wages, and apprenticeship opportunities mean the surrounding community becomes stronger and more equitable.